We Must Take Positive Steps to Address Gun Violence
Violence against children, nurses, doctors, healthcare workers, or any individual in our workplaces, our communities, our houses of worship, and most certainly our schools, cannot be tolerated. The MSV is appalled at the recent attacks in Buffalo, Uvalde, and Tulsa. Gun violence is unacceptable and something must be done to address it.
MSV stands in support of all physicians, PAs, and healthcare providers who have dedicated their lives to healing. We recognize the extraordinary challenges they face on a daily basis especially when dealing with violence in the workplace. Today, we call on people and leaders across the Commonwealth to come together and take positive steps to address this public health crisis. We also encourage people to demonstrate empathy, and to show support and care to Virginia’s healthcare providers and to others in our lives.
For all healthcare colleagues, here are some resources that may help you navigate these challenges:
SafeHaven™ was founded in 2020 after recognizing a greater need to provide physicians and PAs the support they need to stay well and prevent burnout. Learn more about SafeHaven™.
The Joint Commission’s Workplace Violence Prevention Compendium of Resources
Threats, intimidation against doctors and health workers must end, Gerald E. Harmon, MD, AMA President, 2021-22 President