Single-Dose Vial Presentation for Pfizer (12+) Updated COVID-19 Vaccine

On November 14, HHS will open ordering to jurisdictional and federal entity administration partners for a limited amount of the updated (bivalent) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for people 12 years of age or older in single-dose vials. Deliveries will begin several days later. This vial presentation is in response to widespread requests from our vaccine administration partners for the greater flexibility this presentation provides.

This limited introduction of single-dose vials is designed to allow partners to offer the updated COVID-19 vaccines in more places, such as physicians’ offices or mobile clinics that may not have the capacity or demand to keep multi-dose vials of COVID-19 vaccine on hand. It is the latest step in improving ease of access for COVID-19 vaccines and creates the potential for more equitable availability of this lifesaving product.

The U.S. government will continue distributing multi-dose vials of the updated Pfizer vaccine for people 12 years of age or older through our distribution network that reaches more than 70,000 vaccine administration sites.

Ordering and Distribution

The introduction of single-dose vials will provide administration partners with greater flexibility in their vaccine distribution strategy. This limited rollout is intended to expand the number of locations that offer the updated vaccine. Partners are encouraged to direct their orders of single-dose vials to sites
where they will most increase access and availability of the updated vaccine to people. For example, administration partners could use single-dose vials to expand access at doctors’ offices or community health centers that have consistently low or irregular patient traffic and/or might not otherwise offer the COVID-19 vaccine. Administration partners can also use this opportunity to engage providers who have never offered COVID-19 vaccines, and provide any support they need to enroll.

As always, partners are strongly encouraged to consider equity and consult resources, such as national data published by CDC on updated vaccine uptake by race and ethnicity, as well as maps of providers and high social vulnerability index (SVI) locations on the Tiberius platform. Single-dose vials will be available at a minimum order quantity of 50 doses. Awardees will be limited to not more than 150 single-dose vials per order.

No Kits with Single-Dose Vial Orders

Ancillary kits will not be distributed with orders of single-dose vials. Single-dose vials do not require the use of low-deadvolume (LDV) syringes. If supply concerns exist, it is recommended that providers use surplus appropriate onsite materials for vaccine administration.

Quick Facts


Single-Dose Vial Pfizer Bivalent Booster (Ages 12+)

  •  NDC: 59267-1404-02
  • Configuration: 10 single-dose vials/carton
  • Minimum quantity per order: 50 doses
  • Maximum quantity per order: 150 doses
  • Product dimensions: 1.457 in length × 1.535 in width × 3.504 in height
  • Storage and handling: Same as other Pfizer tris products (e.g., store at ultra-low temperature until expiry, may refrigerate up to 10 weeks within expiry period)
  • No ancillary kits included with single-dose vial orders

Strategy and Considerations when Placing Orders

  • Single-dose vials should be prioritized to expand site footprint and access to the bivalent booster
  • Single-dose vials are a one-for-one match for potential customers

Questions? Reach out to:

  • Pfizer: 1-800-666-7248, Option 8 | [email protected]
  • Your ISD Project Officer/CDC Vaccine Distribution Support Officer